Why am I so TIRED?

#feelbetternaturally #functionalmedicine #hypothyroid #underactivethyroid Apr 21, 2020

Chronic fatigue, brain fog, loss of energy, weight gain even with working out and eating "low fat”. Bloating, constipation, headaches, joint pain...Any of this sound like you? That's how I felt when I was first told I had Hypothyroidism. Like a good patient I took all the required medications and still felt like CRAP! Trips to the Endocrinologist and other medical doctors and STILL no resolutions to the problem, but they couldn't figure out what was wrong as my TSH was "good".


I had to take matters into my own hands and be my own advocate. It started with finding a chiropractor. My first chiropractor got me on the path to health. I was helped with the headaches, joint pain, digestion issues and yes even my thyroid improved. How awesome did I feel!! I even went to chiropractic school because it changed my life and I wanted to help others just like I was helped. But after the birth of my second child I spiraled into hypothyroidism AGAIN. Unfortunately the same things were not as effective and I had to dig deeper. That is when I started my journey into Naturopathy and Functional Medicine. I went back to school. Learning to dig deeper into the CAUSE of my demise, I found a solution for lasting results. With a combination of chiropracitc care, nutrigenomics, healing my gut and putting the inflammation out I was able to reverse the AUTOIMMUNE antibodies that the doctors said would NEVER go away. It wasn't always easy and I have to work at it everyday, but I love it. I love the way I feel and love that I can help unravel the mystery for many others that are/were in the same boat as me. If you suffer with underactive or sluggish thyroid, my functional wellness protocols can help.  

Stay Healthy My Friend

Dr. Misty




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