Taco Salad

Feb 22, 2020

Have you ever gone to the grocery store, list in hand of the menu planned for next week, but can't figure out what you want to eat for dinner tonight?

Well, that has happened to me.  I had the whole weeks menu planned but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what I wanted for dinner TONIGHT.  

Fast forward to 5:45 and I still don't know what to make.  What do you do? You look at all the "leftover" food from last week and make it up.

I had some local Buckeye Lettuce, leftover ground turkey from Taco Tuesday and Cleveland Kraut.  I heated up the Turkey, piled it all on a plate and voila dinner.


Don't let the small bits of meat and veggies in your fridge go to waste.   Everything tastes better as a salad.  The clean up was easy too.  

Taco Meat:

Brown 2 pounds 93-99% ground turkey(I like to use 1 pound of each) and add 1 pouch of Frontera Chicken Taco Seasoning, stir and simmer for 5 -10 minutes.  Or you can create your own taco seasoning using a jar of organic salsa, 1-2 TBLS chili powder, 1-2 TBLS cumin,  1 tsp garlic powder,  pink salt  and parsley to taste.

Serve ground taco meat over leafy greens with a side of fermented veggies.  Top with some avocado and more salsa if you would like.  

Keep it Simple My Friends.


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