Polenta Pizza Bites

Feb 18, 2022

I adapted this recipe from The Gluten Free Kitchen Book.  I did not make my own polenta crust like the recipe calls for, I bought pre-made polenta in a tube.



  • 1 tube pre-made polenta
  • Fresh Parsley
  • Garlic
  • No sugar/sodium Hunt's tomato sauce small can
  • Prosciutto sliced into thin strands
  • Kalamata olives pitted and sliced
  • Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • A few slices of thinly sliced red onion


  1. Line a baking pan with parchment paper.
  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  3. Cut the Polenta into 1/4-1/2 inch rounds
  4. Place polenta rounds on prepared baking sheet
  5. Place a dollop of tomato sauce onto the polenta and spread it around
  6. Place some minced garlic, red onion, prosciutto, and olives onto round
  7. Sprinkle with Parmesan Cheese and parsley
  8. Bake for 15-20 minutes


Note:  This is exactly what we did and they tasted great.  Next time we make them I would either grill or pan sear the polenta before putting on the toppings and baking.  I like my pizza crust to be crispy and I think that would do it.

Here is what our pizzas looked like:


They were very tasty and we would make them again.  I served this with Spinach Mango Salad.

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