Benefits of Vitamin C

#collagenformation #healthyskin #immunehealth #vitaminc Jul 05, 2021

Oranges.  It’s what we think of when we think Vitamin C.  But did you know Vitamin C is in many more foods?

Good sources of vitamin C

  • citrus fruit, such as oranges and grapefruits.
  • peppers.
  • strawberries.
  • blackcurrants.
  • broccoli.
  • brussels sprouts.
  • Green and red peppers.
  • Spinach, cabbage, turnip greens, and other leafy greens. 

Why we need vitamin C in our body?

Vitamin C is needed for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It is used to: Form an important protein used to make skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Heal wounds and form scar tissue. Support a healthy immune system.

What type of Vitamin C should I take?

The best,  most absorbable form is Liposomal Vitamin C.

Many people believe that when you take vitamin C, your body automatically absorbs the full dosage — and the more you take, the more benefits you’ll get. However, studies have shown you only absorb 12-14% of vitamin C in an oral supplement form, and taking any dose over 200mg allows for only 50% absorption. Whatever vitamin C your body doesn’t absorb is secreted through your urine. That’s a tough pill to swallow — literally! 

Now more than ever, we need all the immune system support and antioxidant benefits of vitamin C we can get! Enter: Liposomal Vitamin C.

Before we discuss the benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C, it makes sense to start by explaining what a liposome is and why it’s such a good teammate to vitamin C. A liposome is a tiny fluid-filled bubble, otherwise called a vesicle, made from the same material as a cell membrane. Various fluids — such as drugs used to treat a host of diseases — are transported throughout the body via liposomal “carriers.” If your body were a highway and vitamin C the traveler, the liposome makes the difference between traveling safely by car and walking barefoot on the busy motorway. When vitamin C travels inside a liposome, it has a better chance of arriving safely at its destination.

When it comes to absorption, key nutrients such as vitamin C have to make their way through your digestive process slowly. They battle stomach acid and enzymes before finally reaching your small intestine. At that point, your body has broken it down quite a bit, and only a portion of the vitamin C is actually processed.

To make sure your body is receiving as much vitamin C as possible, we employ liposomes to create a protective layer of phospholipids, which helps Liposomal Vitamin C bypass your digestive process more efficiently. In short, “liposomal” is the process of employing liposomes to protect certain vitamins and minerals as they make their way through your body.

Liposomal Vitamin C has that protective layer of phospholipids, which helps it bypass your digestive process more efficiently. Liposomal Vitamin C moves to your small intestine quickly and attaches to the cells in the lining of your small intestine to transfer vitamin C directly to those cells — no transporter necessary.

Your cells absorb up to 98% of the vitamin C and funnel it through to your lymphatic system. From there, vitamin C flows through to your bloodstream, and ultimately to cells in your body for use. 

Therefore, Liposomal Vitamin C is incredibly beneficial for those of us who want to optimize absorption so we can reap all the benefits of this super essential nutrient.

7 Impressive Benefits of Vitamin C

Benefits of Vitamin C

Get your Liposomal C here: Ehealthpro

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